So. This is new. With me trying to get up every morning at 6:30AM (and hopelesly failing at a rate of 50%) I woke up this morning at 4:15. Morning? Middle of the night I guess.
I woke up out of a weird dream which had something to do with me gathering funds from anywhere to pay of my loans.
After whooling around in my bed for almost an hour I just couldn't stand it anymore and got out of bed. Strangely enough my body feels quite awake. Maybe it's a new rhythm setting in; maybe it's the stress and worry about getting debt free. And I'm fairly sure its the latter since I don't feel calm at all lately.
I've been reading a lot of blogs about people getting out of debt and people retiring in their early years (and early is like mid-thirty early!) and the bigger picture is kicking in... I have wasted SO MUCH TIME AND MONEY past ten years. Unbelievable. But, all I can do is just stay with these feelings and cope with them. I can't change what's done and I can't be debt free in a month. This process takes time and I also feel a little bit of proud about the fact that I am giving it my best try to get out of a 80+ months of remaining debt within 20 months. Still trying to find ways to improve my income and lower my spendings. Hardest thing right now is I feel like I could need a vacation but I just don't feel it's fair to spend a lot on that right now (besides the fact I can't really go away anywhere untill half july and that's when vacation WILL cost a lot. So probably it'll be around september before I can even go anywhere at a reasonable price. Look at the bright side; by then I'm 3 months further in life and maybe am feeling a bit more relaxed with me trying to beat my debt.
Well. Of to work now, I might as well clock in early so I can get home sooner today. There's a win in every situation :-)
Have a nice day!
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