Hell yeah. I am going to nail this son-of-a-debt like a Tasmanian Devil in warmode.
Just made an extra transfer which will get my debt under the magical 10K border.
I guess it's all psychological, but with me picking up my new car recently I finally have got the feeling that I'm getting back on top of things. Freeing up another 100 per month, watching my monthly spending go down and down, makes me feel confident about killing this idiot debt.
I just updated my graph on the right which now looks like the coolest thing ever*. And the beauty in it all is there still is money in my savings account and there still is enough money to get through next month anyway. This feels GREAT! Because, I will be done with this debt by the end of MAY next year!! That's in less than a year!
And I know being free of debt will feel even better, so I can't imagine how much energy I will feel again by that day.
So for the next couple of months I hope to sell some more stuff out of my home and I hope to get to enjoy a nice holiday somewhere in a tent with the GF whilst staying on top of this annoying debt, to never go there again.
I think I can see the bright sides of life again, and the more I feel the relief, the more I feel how heavy the burden of debt is on a mans shoulders. It's a sad thing so many people are in the same, and often enough even worse, situation like me. But for me, it still is one of my biggest life lessons... stay ahead of the money game or drown in sleepless nights and worries.
*) besides being debt free, that is...
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