Monday, August 29, 2016

Closer and closer

So I needed a holiday and was willing to spend some money on it, even though I actually am still in debt. Reason was I never been away longer than a week for the past three years. This also was the first holiday with me and the GF where we were together for so long. We had a wonderful vacation (road trip style living in a car and tent for three almost three weeks) and really enjoyed the different landscapes of the parts of Europe we saw. Of course, we ran into some interesting confrontations with each other and ourself, but I think it's better for all of us to get ut of our comfort zone and be confronted with our own way of going through life and question why we do what we do. In the end this will bring us closer and closer.

What's also very nice is I sold my electric drum kit. Someone contacted me during my holiday (of course...) and we made the deal today. I am really glad it's gone since it was on my mind for a while now. I didn't get the same price as I paid for it last year, but it was close enough to be satisfied. The best thing is I can now dump over 3K in the sinker hole this month, without touching what's left of my savings.

I am now considering plunging everything I've got into the deep dark hole so I will be done with it as fast as possible. This means I will be done with my debt by the end of this year, which feels almost unbelievable since my original plan was being ready by the end of next year... So closer and closer I get there, too!

For now I think it's good to start looking around on how to stay focused on financial independence once my debt is gone. For the past months my debt felt like a huge weight on my shoulders, so that motivated me to kill it as soon as possible. Without that pressure and being able to living of 50% of my earnings I am  bit worried some slack will come into my life, with me allowing myself some extra's I don't really need. I am curious in how I will handle that.

Also I want to find a little more inner peace (don't we all?) so I am looking around for a new meditation or mindfullness course. Last two years were really nice but this year I didn't really know which way to go (and moving to Rotterdam and being busy with music and worrying about my debt kept my mind a bit too busy). I am not really sure what to do, but I do think that I need a bit more of a quiter pace in my life to get closer and closer to myself.


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