Anyway. I'm a couple of months into software development. It was a bit of a strange start in this field of work because, Corona. My employer is a very small Dutch company who contracts its' employees (one of them being me) to different companies where needed. They have some very big very steady companies so they always plannes to put me, as a junior-starter, at work at one of those big corporates. So I started at one of these giant corporates for a trial-month, then Corona hit and they threw all external employees out. Well isn't that great. So no I was working from home without work, or something.
Luckily there were some small side-hustles for my company so I had something to do. Later on the giant corporate realised it couldn't really do without all externals so after a lot of negotiation of my manager they even had a place for me, maintaining an old yet important piece of software for quality control of products, among others.
It's a complex domain and even though it's old the software itself is complex too, even for an experienced software developer let alone a starter. So 'struggling' has come to a different level now, and I guess that's a nice bridge towards this blog overall.
For anyone reading this (hello?), this blog started somewhere five years ago with intermitterend periods of vast majorities of nothing. I was both on a road toward financial freedom (or at least freedom of debt) and got out of debt in less than a freakin' year where I was supposed to need a couple of years. From there on it took off into saving more or less half of my net income for the years following. I guess I owe myself an update on my financial situation of the last years anyway.
But ever since my savings got up and money wasn't the biggest issue anymore something started crawling into my senses. I was bored at my last job so I quit and left for IT. Now this IT thing is a whole different level of challenging, but I'm also quite aware of the fact that there's more to life than staring at a computer screen all day solving issues within issues I only partly grasp let alone understand. I want to give it a bit more of a chance then the way I am talking about it now, but since the matter is so complex (to me) it's more frustrating than ever to get going. Then again, most of my struggles are more about how to deal with fighting or letting go then about the actual struggle...
As far as I understand, leaving my previous job for IT was more about leaving something and taking a jump than it was about the jump's direction. This jump was particularly 'safe' since it had i nice safety-net being the commitment of a new employer into providing me with a year contract. I've got no clue if there will be another jump in any soon future, but for me it's becoming very clear that this whole 'struggle to freedom' is about more than just financial freedom. I'm more struggling with the life I'm living and why I'm making the choices I make. I think that is where this blog should be about, what is freedom anyway?
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