Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Goals are for suckers like me.

I've set some goals somewhere back in 2017. Time to revisit them and see what still applies to my newly discovered life-challenge.
I had some decent goals at the beginning of 2017. There were some some earlier made goals, some accomplished before 2017, some more or less still standing when writing these original goals.

Goal#1: Get up at 6:30 every workday morning, shower and meditate. 
Where am I in 2020? I guess this is an ongoing thing for me. While studying this went quite alright, with the Corona sjabang this went overboard. I make my work hours but don't need to travel so why get up early. Wrong, so wrong. Time to reset this baby. I'm waking op at 7-ish these days, let's make it a challenge to get out of bed directly. I've tried this before so let's try it gain! PENDING.

Goal#2: Redeem myself from the financial neck chain called personal loan.
Status: Going for it @ $ 500 /mo (update: gone with this end of '16!) GONE! FOREVER!
For some reason I never want to loose track of this one :-)

Goal#3: Get on my bike and take it for the ride to work at least 3 working days a week. Status: Love it! (but the weather is pretty good at the moment...).
Status in 2017: Biking to work feels good, but I also want to build up a bit more body strength. I'm not a fanatic with the weight lifting, but I picked up a good set of weights this year and I should be able to get myself to hold on to some sort of schedule there.
Status in 2020? I nailed the biking thing from 2017 to like august 2019. Then my IT retraining came along and I couldn't have daily bikerides anymore. With the new job the biking-to-work vanished completely, I still hate that but I will either need a different place to live of a different place to work to get that going again. Looking at just the biking I guess I should park the biking thing for now, but for overall working out, well, I ain't doing bad in this section. I walk a lot in the weekends and I do lift my weights in increasing sets. I've increased the weight last week and I think it'll take a month to get used to it before being back at full-repetition but I am proud of myself for doing this more or less daily. So I rename this goal to "move my body" and I proudly say here: ON TRACK.

Goal #4: Post on a weekly basis.
Status in 2016: Not so much. Struggling with regular content. PENDING.
Status in 2020? I guess no one will ever believe me with this one anymore for ever. I guess this is a blog at intervals. If I ever make it to weekly posts, you'll see it. For now: I QUIT.

Goal #5: Declutter. Sell stuff lying around for more than 6 months or give/throw it away. Status: SEMI-PRO and ever PENDING.
Status in 2016:  I really want to declutter more and more. Rob Grienfield made it down to 111 items and no more money. I'm not Rob, but I sure as hell love the idea of not having to take a lot with me if I'm moving!
Status in 2020? Still standing. I didn't really gather anything since 2017 beside an occasional pair of jeans or something but there is room for improvement here since I only got rid of two humongous chairs. Oh crap, and I almost forgot some things from an auction I bought hoping to make some profit that I still need to get rid of. And do Bitcoin count? Oh dear... But it's in the small things I guess. Really ditch lots of t-shirts and stuff. I've still got a row full of cd's (oh, the emotion) I'll probably never ever use again. Things like that. So I guess the decluttering should be UNDER RESEARCH.

Goal #6: Stay focused on financial freedom. It's in my systems' CORE
Status in 2020: Well. Who would have thought that. Surely I'm aware of it, but there are more aspects to freedom than just financial freedom. Again, I invite you to my last trilogy of posts.

Goal #7: Kill my student loan.  
Status in 2016: it's August '16 and it's just over € 1.000. With € 100/mo it'll be gone soon. Maybe I'll flatten it out too with my year's end bonus. Yet, interest is 0% right now and it's no registered debt in our country so I might be better off investing the money in stocks...
Updated Status: It's December '16 and it's just over € 800. Invest. I'm going to do obliged monthly payments only (€ 45/mo). With interest rates this low it's insane to kill this debt. My current Net Worth is positive and will stay that way. So this was PARKED.
Status in 2020: Oh well, I've made some more payments over the last years. It's currently down to something like € 450. I was playing with the thought of killing it entirely since I'm up 30K-ish or something, but I just don't bother really. So I've made a little savings-pot in my savings-account dedicated towards this goal. Whenever I'm left with some money on pay-day I'll transfer it there and when I've filled the pot I'll splurge it at the people of DUO. Interest remains 0.0 so in theory (leaving any virus world-economy crashes out of the equation) this 450 invested in stocks would be better in the long run. So I guess chances are I will finish this in 2020 and this moves from parked to ON TRACK.

Goal #8. I really want to diverse my diet a little more, or at least being able to get all of the much appreciated nutrients into my system. I'm eating not so much meat nowadays, but my cooking it mostly easy and boring. I don't mind that at all, but I think there are recipes to provide me with simple, yet fully nutrient food.
Where am I in 2020? Hmm I guess old habits die hard. I am eating more vegetables and I'm not eating too much unhealthy sh@t, but there is some room for improvement. I think the bigger question is why I dislike spending a lot of time on making dinner so much? I would say this thing is UNDER RESEARCH.

Goal #9. I really want to be more social this year. Be there for my family. Be there for my friends. Even though it'll be some kind of experiment (I'm not expecting anything in return) I hope to be able to make a difference in my own life. Freeing my agenda might help there, too.
2020? Hm. What did I say about old habits? It's hard. I feel like I am the one making the initiative to see my parents and brothers every single time. Perhaps I should give this a last try before letting go or something, I don't know to be honest. I guess this is a bit too vague so this is also UNDER RESEARCH.

Goal #10. I really want to discover life a bit more. In which way, I don't know yet. But I do know I've been walking all kind of paths which where somewhat mine, yet not really authentically mine. I want to discover what feels good for me. To trust my gut and go with it and not being scared of what disasters may happen. I'm getting tired of that way of living and it's caused me enough troubles anyway.
2020? Well hell, if you've read the trilogy on when I'll be financially free I'll start living I guess that brought you here in the first place. So as far as that's concerned, even though it's some vague goal with no definite endpoint I guess I'm ON TRACK.

So with the granted authorisation to my dear self towards minor modification of these goals adjusted for my current mindset and way of (discovering)life my new goaly list for the rest of this year will be:

#0. Stay out of debt. Move slowly to financial freedom. ON TRACK.
#1. Get up at 7am. Meditate. Get rest. Don't fuck around with this anymore. PENDING.
#2. Move my body. ON TRACK.
#3. Declutter. There's always more to become less. PENDING.
#4. Find out what freedom truly means (to me). UNDER RESEARCH.
#5. Kill my student loan. ON TRACK.
#6. Be more conscious on food (or find out why I am not). UNDER RESEARCH.
#7. Be more social this year (or find out why I am not). UNDER RESEARCH.
#8. Find out how I want to live my life (or be unhappy forever). UNDER RESEARCH.

I must say I do like the way this is pronounced. It's more or less a questionnaire into living my life instead of setting some arbitraged goal for which I don't remember the reason it's up here anyway. And of course some goals are very straightforward ToDo's since I'm a king in fuckin' up the supposedly easy ones.

My best guess for now is that #4 and #8 will be the themes of my upcoming posts. But then again, I also let go of the 'post weekly' goal so no promises on what kind of theme for what kind of post anywhere here. Now look, I should have made that a goal! Maybe in 2021... :-)

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