Tuesday, October 22, 2019


I've got a confession to make. Three weeks into my study I witnessed an accident on the highway. Two cars right before me crashed into each other flipping one of those cars on the side. Luckily there where many people coming to the rescue and the people in the car weren't injured heavily, but it was a great shock to see it happen front-row.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Going for IT

I got accepted into a 5 month full-time study program which allegedly delivers me to the employment market as a junior software engineer.

Friday, May 31, 2019

I just quit! my job...

I can't quite believe it yet, it hasn't sunk in completely, but yesterday I handed in my resignation letter. Da fak. And it's more than half a year earlier than I stated in a previous post. DA FAK! What happened?!