Friday, May 25, 2018

Goals are for suckers, so I set myself a new one

As always I'm philosophin' about money, work, financial freedom, burn out, relationships, the whole sjabang. The thing is, since I lack motivation and discipline and most of the other succes factors as I've read lately and also, writing and reading aren't good for your future either (so what the heck are you doing here anyway?) I noticed I'm the one nagging for change but seem to be refusing to actually do anything. Because hey, impossible goals and to lazy/unmotivated/undisciplined to start working on them. I'm gonna be waiting until it feels right.

Since goals are for suckers, I set myself a new one. Wait, what? Yep. Don't care.
I was overlooking my 2014-2018 period in life and couldn't help but notice that my single biggest achievement was the reason I started this blog anyway, namely, getting rid of almost 20K in debt. And since everyone on goals seems to be right, it went downwards with me personally ever since. Ok, I guess there are other parts in me that needed discovery and attention and I guess there are changes to be made in how I am living my live, but nonetheless, there are two facts: when there is some kind of goal I'll do anything to reach it and meanwhile I need to zoom in on my "default behaviour".

So. Why a new goal then? Since it's very much correlated to a change I want to make in my life. I wish to proceed to a life/job that satisfies my moral a bit more. Living up to greater values. Experience instead of consuming. All that kind of idilic slobbery nonsense. Of course there is the 'now' and the 'just go and do it'. But since I'm currently here in a burn out state of mind I guess quitting now isn't the best thing to do (yep. I live in the good old if-you're-sick-you-still-got-paid Netherlands). But staying isn't either. Not in the long run. And since it's pretty easy to calculate "FU money needed for 1 year of minus FU money now divided by average savings rate" and multiply it by the average days in a month, I suddenly am able to give myself a new target: the day I say goodbye to my current co workers and, preceding that, the day I should hand over my three months notice. Um, yeah. Three months. I didn't think of it, it comes with the company policy. Whatever.

I guess no one is reading this by now? Are you? Well, then I might just as well show you the  target. I start out with a clean slate since I had to fill up all my other money boxes for holiday, yearly expenses and so on. But starting of from here, it's looking like this.

Guess something went wrong here

And for some strange reason, pinpointing an end-date on my current contract with a condition (being the money needed to pull the trigger on job #2) I am solely responsible for a single target in the future. Since this will more or less go automatically, I can stop thinking about the how-to's and when's and start looking for ways to make my life as happy as possible in the mean time.

"But what will you do when you get there?!"

Well. This is the interesting part. I have got absolutely NO CLUE what so ever. But I need some damned target somewhere in a near future I can stand for so I can re-arrange my life further the upcoming couple of months. And why think of complicated things when I could also do what I started this with three years ago, set myself a financial target and move onwards.

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