Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Apparently, I need challenges to get moving and stay on track. The last few years of non-blogging makes this even more clear. The main reason I started writing up my mind on paper mostly had to do with trying to get out of debt and my personal journey intertwined with that.

I did an attempt to comeback last year, just before my most recent job change back then, and then I got into a work-hate-how-to-fire-how-to-make-more-how-to-get-out-of-this-grind kind of mode. It was a bit disturbing. I went on job interviews and got several offers and took none. I guess it's a lot like what happened back in '17 when I went on buying Apple stuff, lol.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Black holes

Time seems to have gone into a Black Hole (isn't it what they seem to eat, anyway?). It's insane. Covid messed up the world and a lot of lives. I was talking to a neighbour the other day and we both were a bit astonished at how long we are living here in this community and how fast time goes by.

My previous post dates back a long time ago. Different times, a lot has happened...

Monday, October 5, 2020

Distraction free living

Let me distract you with a new blogpost. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Breathe in and out. It's as simple as that, and if you don't, you die. But I discovered there's a very bad habit I made my own which is not helping me...

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Apps, a bag of chips and a chocolate bar

One of my recent goals is #8. Find out how I want to live my life (or be unhappy forever). Well, for starters I found out something that might be a trigger into the 'be unhappy forever' part.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Goals are for suckers like me.

I've set some goals somewhere back in 2017. Time to revisit them and see what still applies to my newly discovered life-challenge.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

When I'm financially free, I can start living the life I really want (part 3)

I challenged myself not to challenge me. And I died. Slowly. Not too painful in a physical way, but it was a damned dreaded rut that killed me after all. A wiseman (ok, an old pianist friend) once said to me: 'After all, all we do in life is trying not to be bored'. And then there was me, the guy who was afraid to live and opted-in on a life of boredom. A fool, I am.