I think 2016 also was a freeing year for me. I quit a lot of bands, I quit or brought down a lot of life costs and I freed my mind so it could absorb all the financial independence blogs I read this year. And, last but not least, starting another course in non-duality and self leadership will free me more and more of my ego constructions and will bring me closer to my inner nature and what I want to bring into the world. Oh and all along I freed myself from my debt. Somewhere in the middle of all of this, the focus was there but I am more and more forgetting about it.
With myself realizing I haven't been really enthusiastic for a fair amount of time now, I think it's time to take good care of myself next year. Since I've changed a fair amount of habits this year financially, I hope to change a fair amount of habits on the Health side of things. I'm not planning on converting this blog to a Cooling Healthy Live blog, but personally I think it's time to try and make the body feel good again. I think there's a win-win in there somewhere. My biggest problem is a lack of discipline. That is, if I don't really like something, I just quit doing it. That's gotta change! Yet I know that changing those kind of habits drastically most of the time makes me go nuts, not knowing where to start and making me quit far before even getting to the starting line.
Some goals here?
I really want a better night-and-day rhythm. Eventually getting up at 6am and going to bed nowhere later than 11pm, preferably earlier. Weekends included since they mess me up if I don't!
I really want to diverse my diet a little more, or at least being able to get all of the much appreciated nutrients into my system. I'm eating not so much meat nowadays, but my cooking it mostly easy and boring. I don't mind that at all, but I think there are recipes to provide me with simple, yet fully nutrient food.
I really want to work out a bit more. Biking to work feels good, but I also want to build up a bit more body strength. I'm not a fanatic with the weight lifting, but I picked up a good set of weights this year and I should be able to get myself to hold on to some sort of schedule there.
I really want to be more social this year. Be there for my family. Be there for my friends. Even though it'll be some kind of experiment (I'm not expecting anything in return) I hope to be able to make a difference in my own life. Freeing my agenda might help there, too.
I really want to discover life a bit more. In which way, I don't know yet. But I do know I've been walking all kind of paths which where somewhat mine, yet not really authentically mine. I want to discover what feels good for me. To trust my gut and go with it and not being scared of what disasters may happen. I'm getting tired of that way of living and it's caused me enough troubles anyway.
So. There you have it. Five more-or-less specific goals I am looking forward to be discovering. Anyone else got any things to be going for next year?
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